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Dec 17, 2009

0 How to Improve your kids/teenagers spelling, vocabulary and pronunciation

How to Improve your kids/teenagers spelling, vocabulary and pronunciation

1.Teach your kids/teenagers how to break words into syllables. Use a fun poetic method like haiku (
2.Teach your kids/teenagers how to correctly pronounce the pieces by utilizing a pronunciation key, as well as the dictionary's word pronunciation entry. Also, show them how by pronouncing it yourself.
3.Practice saying words and having them try to spell them using their new knowledge.
4.Have fun, read with your kids/teenagers the books they enjoy.
5.Have them use new vocabulary that they learn in creating their own poetry.
6.If available, have your kids/teenagers use a computer with a spell-checking word processor. Another good way to get them to utilize their skills is by writing a fictional story.
7.Help them learn a new language that they will enjoy, sometimes relearning a language will help you fill in the missing pieces.
8.Ask them what other ways they think would help them with their spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

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