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Feb 17, 2018

0 Commentary on the deconstruction of Social Programs under Trump's Administration

Society is operating on the premise/assumption that the poor that uses public assistance problems like medicaid and food stamps and section 8 are abusing the program and don't need it and/or being lazy and not working when they can work; however, when this proves to be not the case for a lot of individuals, the outcome will be disastrous. A lot of people will be hurt by these new effects and suffer deadly consequences (Medicaid recipients, especially).

The work requirement exemptions, or the new ones that will be formed, are already too restrictive forcing disabled people that can't get unto SSI or SSDI off of programs.
People who have never been through the system shouldn't be involved in creating a new system that has never been tested and will harm an numerous amount of individuals.

Also, society shouldn't be happy with the idea of the White House administration deconstructing programs and taking away their ability to help people win they can't discard it all together. This type of mentality is unethical and destructive to our country as a whole.

Take Care, With Love Through God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,

0 Thoughts about the current political/social landscape under Trumps Administration

Has our society become temporary thinkers, at the cost of long term improvements? Yes, yes it has.
People are willing to support drastic cuts to medicaid, food stamps, section 8, and so forth which will create unstable ripples throughout our society and economy.
No only will people who need medicaid lose coverage which can have consequences such as death and life threatening problems/complications, restricting Food Stamps, even more so than it already is, will threaten food for families and individuals and create hunger problems in a so-called "First World" country.
The more unstable society becomes, the more crime will escalate. More violence will occur, thievery, and domestic problems.
So, we might save millions upon millions temporarily, at the cost of violence, crime, unnecessary deaths, hunger, and medical problems that could of been prevented.
What is the price tag you are willing to put on a person's life? I know this will not progress well.
The local programs don't have enough resources to support a huge change like this. Already, the shelter in my city is experiencing crowding problems and funding problems, which leaves homeless on the streets in winter; the food bank is experiencing food shortages and less proteins than it use to have while still becoming stricter on the requirements to weed out people that needs the food.
So, what have we become? A society of heartless individuals that allows it's own citizens to suffer from hunger, homelessness without shelter, and creating a situation where people will needlessly die, all at the cause of gaining temporary wealth which mostly benefits the wealthy through tax deductions?
Is this the America you wish to live in; and do you think God will support a country which operates like this with so much power in the world and is weeding Him out of everything daily? No, God will not. And God will turn away his face from those that turn their faces away from Him.
It boggles my mind that people have become so callous and heartless and without empathy. A Society that wants to legalize drugs which is more abused than used correctly; flood the economy with drug addicts from the past that willingly cause countless deaths by lessening sentencing to save money; have tax deductions for the rich that is proportionally taken away and offset by the poor; and so forth.
When this country goes to hell, I will be blaming those deaths on the people that supported this madness; And when people act like they could of never known, I will place the blame solely at their feet and proclaim that is what they deserve.
Take Care, With Love Through God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,